Openum eIDAS, Qualified electronic registered delivery

Messages sent through a qualified electronic delivery service, provide the evidence of the delivery of the message. No court of the European Union may question its evidentiary effect, should it be challenged in court.

entrega electrònica certficada qualificada

Qualified service compliant to eIDAS European standards.

Non repudiation

The recipient cannot deny having received the message because the sender has evidence of receipt.

About Openum eIDAS

Openum eIDAS is qualified electronic registered delivery service. The identification of the sender, the recipient and the data sent are ensured with a high level of reliability.

Benefits of Qualified electronic registered delivery

Digital transformation of any process offers significant improvements on key drivers related to productivity and organisational performance.


General terms and conditions of contracting

Qualified Certified Electronic Delivery Service Policy_Openum eIDAS

Conformity Certificate ( CERTICAR)


You set the pace No set-up fees and pay-per-use model. Moreover,our purchases won't expire, so you can use the service whenever you need it.

Storage of the documentary evidence for 5 years